ते प्रतिप्रसवहेयाः सूक्ष्माः ॥१०॥
te prati-prasava-heyāḥ sūkṣmāḥ ||10||
“Those kleshas are reducible by involution when they are subtle.”
The purpose of this sutra is to explain how afflictions can be removed by the involutionary process, like cutting a tree from the top down, or down up.
Study each sutra of Patanjali’s Yogasutras in Six Bhashyas on YouTube here:
Also available on Spotify, Google, Apple Podcasts and wherever you get your podcasts.
Undertake a systematic, comprehensive & comparative study of the commentaries of the Yogasutras.
The course uploads a recorded session every day until the Yogasutras are complete i.e. all 195 sutras. Each lesson is one sutra with a comparative study of the six bhashyas. Each sutra is a capsule of 20 minutes or less for easy listening & retention.
Study the bhashyas of:
Maharshi Ved Vyasa, Swami Vivekananda, BKS Iyengar, Swami Satyananda, Osho, Barbara Stoler Miller
Tara Das is an author, poet, and mind-body-spirit therapist.
Sky Gazing is a channel by Shamah | शम:
Shamah | शम: is an alignment practice and we use meditation, counselling, and bodywork to help you achieve your personal healing goals.
All appointments are only available through the website
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