Sky Gazing
Sky Gazing : Patanjali's Yoga sutras
New: live classes

New: live classes

9 pm IST weekdays

An update.

Some of you have been telling me the Yogasutra sessions are still quite dense. The sutras are complex and cryptic. Something I always tell fellow students is some of these texts are not meant to be understood at one go. If you stick with it past the not knowing, they reveal themselves in meaning and practice over time. It is important to keep studying despite the veil of ignorance. That’s how it eventually gets lifted. So, don’t give up yet. Let’s soldier on. Self work is hard. But we’re in it, on our individual journeys, together. The sense of community is why the monks and sages of yore insisted on the concept of the sangha. It helps when things don’t make sense or fit as easily as they should.

The Patanjali’s Yogasutras podcast will now first be taught as a live class on weekdays at 9 pm IST.

You can join in from wherever you are worldwide. We have a per class token fee that allows us to keep it going. You can join when you can without fear of wasting a massive signing up amount since this is an ongoing process through 196 sutras.

The 30 minute session will be divided up into teaching for 20 mins and with difficulties and questions for 10 minutes.

The recording of the session (without Q&A) will then be on the podcasts. You will still be able to access the handouts from the website whether you attend the class or not. You are also welcome to join the live class once in a while if you have doubts you’d like to bring in or simply have something to share.

I’d recommend joining the class once in a while if only to shake off the sense that you’re struggling through it alone.

Join the class

As always I’d appreciate a share as well so this can reach as many people as possible.

Thank you for reading Sky Gazing. This post is public so feel free to share it.


New: Workshops

We also have new Zen Parenting workshops running in April; Ahimsa, for Therapeutic Writing in June and Virya, The Courage Workshops in July.

NB: A reminder that I’m away from the last week of April to the last week of May attending a meditation retreat. All sessions and classes will close on April 22 and continue from June 1, 2024.

Join Zen Parenting

Sign up for Ahimsa

Register for Virya

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Sky Gazing
Sky Gazing : Patanjali's Yoga sutras
Undertake a systematic, comprehensive & comparative study of the commentaries of the Yogasutras
The course uploads a recorded session weekly starting January 14, 2024 and continuing until the Yogasutras are complete i.e. all 195 sutras.
Each lesson is one sutra with a comparative study of the six bhashyas. Each sutra is a capsule of 20 minutes each for easy listening & retention.
Study the bhashyas of:
Ved Vyasa
Swami Vivekananda
BKS Iyengar
Swami Satyananda
Barbara Stoler Miller